jueves, 26 de marzo de 2009

After a very long trip

We reached home. The new apartment is surrounded by a huge bamboo plantation and eucalipts of all heights. Two of them, by our windows, reach the seventh floor of the building. I am trying to photograph the parrots that fly around with no success. What a colorful country, and how friendly people one finds here everywhere. I tend to forget time and again, but it is in a way good because each visit this courtesy and warmth of people surprise me. Wishing Jaan and Emil here as well...

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2009

Lo que nunca me paso

Que me pararan en cuaquier lado para decirme lo hermosa que "era". A Juulia si, en el colegio, ayer. Lleva los anos que tiene siendo opacada por sus hermanos y senalada por su pelo, ojos, piel, color, altura, flacura y todo lo demas y a ella es a la que le dicen esto.
En la cafeteria del colegio, sola como siempre, esperando un vaso de leche se vio rodeada por 6 ninas de onceavo. Entro en panico y no pudo sino oir vagamente la voz amable de una de ellas diciendole que la habian visto mucho por los pasillos del colegio y les parecia her-mo-sa. Lo mas sorprendente es que pasara precisamente en Estonia. Todavia esta contenta, y yo por ella. Todos necesitamos estimulo, aunque parezca surgir de una frivolidad asi.

Hay sol, al fin, primaveral. Fuimos a patinar al casco antiguo hace una semana.

martes, 10 de marzo de 2009

There are more than 30 ways to say LOVE in Arabic

I read it somewhere, together with a good proverb: "cruelty is the only strenght of cowardice"
There is only one way in English and in its strict meaning. Also only one in Spanish: LOVE; AMOR.
I love the smell of azahar and the taste of any acomplishment. As unrelated remark as this might seem it is the instant´s truth.
It is snow white outside, the winter sales are over, though. No skis-skying this year. I have to mention here -it has a place in every weblog and decent publication available- that I aknowledge the time of economic crisis we are living.

"Day planner" or agenda basque style. A photo taken in Lekeito, last Summer

El mismo aire.

Hay fotos en que parecen mucho mas que desconocidas, estas son las unicas que he podido conseguir. Victoria Abril y Beatrix.